
My Top Seven Lessons Learned in 2017

December 30, 2017
Me in NYC at sunset

Yup yup, it’s another list of top moments from 2017! As you know, ALCM is all about life lessons learned. So there was no way I could end 2017 without first looking back at some of the most important life lessons I learned this year. Without further ado, here they are, my top seven lessons learned in 2017:

1. You deserve better

"I deserve the best."

Never settle for less than. You’re much better than that. Whether it’s in love, your career, your friends, what have you, always set high standards for yourself. You’ll be much better off for it. See the links for more on that subject.

2. You were meant for greatness

We were all put on this earth with a great purpose. Don’t short-change yourself. Be extraordinary. If you have dreams, go pursue them! You never know; it might be the start to something amazing and unexpected. I can certainly attest to this after the year I’ve had!

"We were meant to do great things. Don't be ordinary; be extraordinary."

3. Love and affirm yourself first 

Amen to RuPaul, who said, “If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?” I wholeheartedly agree. Your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you will ever have. Loving yourself first means that you value yourself highly and that you won’t settle for less and poor treatment from others. More importantly, affirming yourself and your self-worth means you will have far greater self-esteem that goes independent of others’ validation of that worth. Know your worth first and don’t let others alone dictate it to you.

Things to try: You can probably start by writing down the things that you love about yourself, like I did. Or even try writing a letter to yourself in advance and surprising yourself in the future! Then upgrade to telling yourself what you love about yourself in the mirror. This one isn’t easy at first, but with time it gets easier. Now I love doing it 🙂

"Love yo self."

4. Don’t rely on others for approval or consent over your own life

"I give myself permission to leave anything or anyone that doesn't bring me joy without anyone else's approval or consent."

Don’t get stuck letting other people dictate how to live your life. Rather, start trusting your own good intuition and following your dreams. You’re an adult now; start acting like one 🙂 Start taking responsibility for your own life. And oh yes, I’ve started taking my own advice!

5. Life will always have ups and downs

"Embrace the highs and the lows that make up the journey called life."

There will always be highs and lows in your journey. You can’t jump from peak to peak. You’ve gotta go down some time. Embrace this fact rather than run away from it.

But that said, you can make the low points less frequent once you know what triggers them. Self care in any case is very important. Always treat yourself well and don’t get down on yourself too much. This one I’m still coming to terms with but it’s getting better.

6. More do, less think

Stop second-guessing yourself so much. Got an idea? Go do it! You’ll never know how it will turn out if you don’t try. After all, the most successful people didn’t get where they were without making bold steps in their life. Remember that!

"More do, less think."


7. Create your happiness now rather than later

We all don’t know how much time we have left. If you’re stuck in an unhappy situation, if you feel you deserve better, if there is something you always wanted to do, well NOW is the time to do it. Make a vow to yourself to always be happy, no matter what. Don’t sit by and let life happen to you. It’s yours! Take it, own it, LIVE IT!

"Make a vow to be happy, no matter what."

Life. Lessons. Learned.

I’m taking my lessons with me into the new year. I hope you will too! Happy new year everyone, and have a happy, safe and fulfilling 2018!

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